Essential DIY Tips for Optimizing Your Heating and Air Conditioning Installations

Are you in the market for a new heating and air conditioning system or considering modification? Keeping your home comfortable shouldn’t be a source of stress. Before calling in the professionals, there are several do-it-yourself (DIY) steps that you can take to optimize the installation process. Whether you’re trying to save on costs or make your home more energy-efficient, these practical tips are for you.


Before purchasing any heating and air conditioning system, do your research. Understand the different types, features, pros, and cons so that you can make an informed decision. Keep in mind that some systems are more suitable for certain climates and building sizes. You can check out helpful home improvement blogs or watch YouTube videos to gain more insight. is also a good source of information.

Choose the Right Size

One mistake frequently made during installations is selecting an HVAC unit that’s either too big or too small for the space. A system that’s too big for your home will cycle on and off more often, consuming more energy. Conversely, a unit that’s too small will struggle to maintain a consistent temperature, leading to higher electricity bills.

Inspect Ductwork

Before installing a new system, inspect your ductwork for leaks or damages. Leaky ducts can waste up to 20% of the energy from your heating and cooling system, according to Energy Star.

Regular Maintenance

Maintenance is as crucial as the equipment itself. Regular filter replacements, coil cleaning, ductwork inspection, and annual professional check-ups can help you retain peak performance and minimize repair costs.

Improve Home Insulation

You can have the fanciest heating and cooling system, but if your home is not well-insulated, you will lose energy through your walls, doors, and windows. Simple improvements like sealing windows, insulating attics, and covering crawl spaces can significantly reduce energy waste.

Thermostat Placement

Your thermostat’s location can affect your HVAC system’s efficiency. Avoid placing it near doors, windows, or areas that get a lot of sun, as it can cause the thermostat to read the temperature inaccurately.

While these tips can be helpful, there’s a limit to what you can achieve on your own. For advanced issues or total system replacement, consider reaching out to a professional. After all, ensuring a comfortable living environment is worth a little investment.

At J.E Shekell, you can request a free consultation to discuss your heating and air conditioning installation needs. Our team can provide you with further advice and professional services for optimal results, tailored to your specific needs.

Optimizing your HVAC installation doesn’t have to be intimidating or costly; with the right DIY tips and a bit of professional help, creating the perfect indoor temperature can be a breeze a comfortable breeze. Remember, proper research, the right sized system, ductwork inspection, regular maintenance, improved home insulation, and correct thermostat placement can help you save energy and money in the long run.